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We are happy to provide you with a refund of 100% refund for a Course, within 5 days of the first payment. If you want to claim a refund, please do so by:

  1. Drop an email to: apsingh6991@gmail.com with the subject “ONLINE COURSE REFUND | REGISTERED EMAIL ID”. Please do not forget to provide the registered email ID in the subject.
  2. Give your reason for the refund, for our internal purposes.
  3. Please ensure that the email is received within five days of the First payment. For example: If you paid on 1 July 2022, you should send the refund email on or before 12:00 am, on 5 July 2022.
  4. Refunds will be processed within 10 to 20 working days of receiving the refund email with the necessary details (and subject line).
  5. This refund process is applicable to all standalone courses, and combo courses. The refund will not be processed for individual modules of the course.